Storyboard F: DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSTIC Test Off-Site in Endemic Setting (Mild to Moderate)

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The second Use Setting (Storyboard) for Use Case 6 is quite similar to Storyboard D, with the same changes in Step M to a new set of Steps M1 and M2. The issues of performance and utility are the same as Storyboard E.

Observations & Implications

The implications for test performance are the same as for Storyboard E, except that with send out it is unlikely that early flu treatment would be enabled. Time to result remains an issue.


The Storyboards are meant to be approximate descriptions of the overall testing ecosystem. They are organized as flow charts containing sites of activity, people involved (e.g., patients, medical practitioners and laboratorians) and pathways for tested individuals, healthcare professionals (or other testers in some cases), sample collection and transport, testing, result generation and information flow. They also show key decisions informed by the test results.

Steps in this Storyboard that are different from Storyboards B and D are shown with a thick blue outline.

There are three types of “journeys” in the Storyboards: 1) the tested individual’s (usually patient) journey which are shown using green arrows, 2) point-of-care or point-of-use activities which are shown with purple arrows (e.g., sample collection, sometimes testing) and 3) the sample and data journey through a laboratory, which is shown with blue arrows.

The letters that label each step are not meant to indicate an order for the steps, they are simply there to facilitate discussion about the storyboard. Optional steps have a dashed outline, and examples of possible variations in a step are labeled with the same letter followed by differentiating numbers e.g., B1, B2 and B3)

There are a number of clocks and calendars pictured near specific steps to indicate time-consuming steps and those that could vary in total time depending upon the workflow efficiency of the healthcare site and the characteristics of the testing platform (e.g., batch analysis, time to results).

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